1. Code of Conduct

All employees will abide by the following rules and regulations of CDL Office Management.

  1. All employees will reach CDL office on 9’o clock. Those employees who did not reach in time, half day salary will be deducted from their salaries.
  2. All employees will follow the orders of the CDL management; otherwise, disciplinary action will be taken against them.
  3. All employees will perform his / her duties honestly and will not interfere in the affairs of others.
  4. All employees will perform assigned tasks in time.
  5. To create a congenial working environment, all employees will keep their mobiles on silent.
  6. In case of leaving the CDL Job, the employee will inform the CDL management before 15 days.
  7. All employees will attend weekly progress meeting at 3:30 pm every Friday.
  8. No grouping is allowed. Those that are found guilty of it will face disciplinary action.
  9. Protecting children’s rights and their best interests.
  10. Placing the child as the first priority when dealing with all identified or suspected cases of child abuse.
  11. Empowering and educating children on their rights, personal safety and steps they can take, if there is a problem.
  12. All Employees will sign the declaration of compliance with Protection form Sexual Exploration and Abuse (PSEA) which is part of the code of conduct.

2. Violations and Abuse

CDL has established comprehensive safeguarding policies that outline zero tolerance for any form of abuse or exploitation. These policies are in alignment with national and international standards and include guidelines for reporting, investigation, and disciplinary measures.

3. Sexual Exploration


3.1 Special measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)

Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse violate universally recognized international legal norms and standards and have always been unacceptable behavior and prohibited conduct for Canvas Dev Leads (CDL) staff, vendor or interns etc. Such conduct is prohibited by the CDL Staff Regulations and Rules.

In order to further protect the most vulnerable populations, especially women and children, the following specific standards which reiterate existing general obligations under the Canvas Dev Leads (CDL) Staff Regulations and Rules, are promulgated:

  • Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse constitute acts of serious misconduct and are therefore grounds for disciplinary measures, including summary dismissal;
    • Sexual activity with children (persons under the age of 18) is prohibited regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally. Mistaken belief in the age of a child is not a defence;
    • Exchange of money, employment, goods or services for sex, including sexual favours or other forms of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behaviour, is prohibited. This includes any exchange of assistance that is due to beneficiaries of assistance;
    • Sexual relationships between Canvas Dev Leads (CDL) staff and beneficiaries of assistance, since they are based on inherently unequal power dynamics, undermine the credibility and integrity of the work of the Canvas Dev Leads (CDL) and are strongly discouraged;.
    • Where a CDL staff member develops concerns or suspicions regarding sexual exploitation or sexual abuse by a fellow worker, whether in the same agency or not and whether or not within the Canvas Dev Leads (CDL) system, he or she must report such concerns via established reporting mechanisms;
    • Canvas Dev Leads (CDL) staff are obliged to create and maintain an environment that prevents sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. Managers at all levels have a particular responsibility to support and develop systems that maintain this environment.

    Written undertaking will be received from those entities or individuals that accept these standards. The failure of those entities or individuals to take preventive measures against sexual exploitation or sexual abuse, to investigate allegations thereof, or to take corrective action when sexual exploitation or sexual abuse has occurred, shall constitute grounds for termination of any cooperative arrangement with the Canvas Dev Leads (CDL).

    3.2 Failure to Compliance with PSEA

    Compliance with PSEA is a requirement for selection, award and appointment of contracts with Canvas Dev Leads (CDL). Failure to comply with the PSEA guidance will render null and void any contractual obligations.

    3.3 Declaration of Compliance with PSEA

    I……………………………………………….. /       Solemnly declared that during the execution of the project (with CDL) I will ensure full compliance with the above-mentioned special measures mentioned in the above code of conduct and clauses for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse and child safeguarding. I have read, understood and agree to the declaration of compliance with Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

    Signed: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
    Position: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    4. Conflict of Interest


    The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Canvas Dev Leads (CDL) and its employees, board members, volunteers, and contractors avoid any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest and to manage such conflicts in a transparent and ethical manner.


    This policy applies to all employees, board members, volunteers, and contractors of CDL.


    CDL is committed to conducting all of its activities and operations with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. To maintain this commitment, it is essential that employees, board members, volunteers, and contractors avoid any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest.

    A conflict of interest occurs when an individual’s personal interests, financial or otherwise, compete with or interfere with the interests of CDL. Such conflicts can arise when an individual is involved in a decision-making process or has the ability to influence a decision that may result in personal gain or a potential loss to CDL.


    Disclosure: All employees, board members, volunteers, and contractors of CDL are required to disclose any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of their duties or responsibilities. This includes any personal or financial interests that may influence or interfere with their objectivity in carrying out their duties.

    Review: All disclosed conflicts of interest will be reviewed by the CDL’s designated personnel. The designated personnel will determine if the conflict is real, potential, or perceived and the extent of its impact on CDL.

    Mitigation: CDL will take appropriate steps to manage and mitigate conflicts of interest, including but not limited to:

    1. Removing the individual from the decision-making process or position of influence;
    2. Requiring the individual to divest themselves of the conflicting interest;
    3. Establishing protocols for ongoing monitoring of the situation; and d) Ensuring that any decisions made are in the best interest of CDL and its mission.

    Documentation: All disclosures and actions taken to manage and mitigate conflicts of interest will be documented and maintained by CDL. This information will be kept confidential to the extent possible, and will only be disclosed as necessary to fulfill legal or regulatory requirements.

    Training: All employees, board members, volunteers, and contractors of CDL will receive training on this policy and the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest. New personnel will receive this training as part of their orientation, and all personnel will receive periodic training updates.


    CDL is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and transparency. This Conflict-of-Interest Policy and Procedures is designed to ensure that all personnel avoid any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest and to manage such conflicts in a transparent and ethical manner.